Men Helping Men

Striving for Purity

Do you want to ensure your home electronics are protected from adult content? Have you considered using OpenDNS to filter your network traffic and keep your devices clean and you safe?

OpenDNS is a cloud-based DNS service that can help filter out adult content sites on the internet. By using OpenDNS, you can easily monitor and filter out unwanted content.

Once you set up OpenDNS, you can easily configure your router to use the service, and then every device on your network will be automatically protected. It’s a simple and effective way to protect your home and office network, and it works with all of your devices including laptops, phones, printers, and browsers on your games and T.V.’s.

So if you’re concerned about online safety and want to take steps to protect your home electronics, consider using OpenDNS. It’s a simple and cost-effective way to keep your devices safe and secure.